It was wonderful to attend EMF Camp again in 2022, and see so many faces – both old and new. It’s always a good time meeting so many new people, having interesting conversations and sharing knowledge, food, stories and laughter!
We owe a debt of gratitude to Jan-Willem for coming all the way over from the Netherlands in order to lend his impressive skills and knowledge (And providing a lift down to BriLockCon) – It is always a pleasure. I don’t imagine we will tire of Stroopwafels anytime soon…
We were also graced by Andy Pugh, who brought a challenge lock he has designed and machined himself – And which no-one successfully opened, despite the promise of a gallon of beer (or equivalent beverage of choice) for the person who could successfully open it! I imagine something more about that will be written in the near future…
Finally, we wish to thank everyone who volunteered their time over the weekend to share their knowledge and teach new people how to pick their very first locks – many hands make light work, and it was certainly easier going than the previous EMF Camp as a result!
We hope the next EMF Camp will be even bigger and better, and we look forward to seeing many more of you in future.
Coincidentally, BriLockCon – A conference for locksport enthusiasts based in Bristol – also took place over the same weekend. Organised by some lovely individuals over at the UKLS forum, the event included lock-themed treats, a variety of competitions, and excellent company.
Of particular note was the “chain of pain” which consisted of 10 padlocks secured to a piece of chain which required the challenger to pick each of them in series. Naturally, the earliest padlocks were the easiest, and the further along you got, the harder the padlocks got to pick.
We’re all looking forward to seeing how this grows in the future!
Could you send me Andy pughs email address as I wanted to ask about the new lock plesdr
I am replying here to see if this works as a means to share the info.