1.6mm (nominally 1.56mm) picking wire close up, bent to 90 degrees with pliers. Use piano wire if you can get it.
Beat the wire to be flat and square
The piano wire may be harder than your anvil!
Inserted in the handles, which are pin vices or mini drill holders
Trim to length, then set to with sanding or grinding
Nicely polished
Open! (If you are wondering, that’s a Black Belt level lock, the Goal v18)
Another example
Super-Loki dimple pick demo anim that showcases the rotating end of the mini drill used as the handle.
Tools required:
Anvil or something hard metal to beat against
Pair of heavy pliers (Electrical or whatever, if they have cutters) – two pairs is better if you want to skip the anvil step
Files or other grinding system
Fine grit sand paper
Pin vice or something else for the handle
1.56mm or nearby piano wire, or other stiff wire – must be steel!
Wire cutters – nice to have
A gallery of m|M|m’s homebrew gear!
Poor mans pinning tray: Cut some wood, stamp some grooves using a hammer and chunk of metal!
Ghetto drum sander: Cut a rectangle length of whatever grit sand paper you need, roll it around a Dremel sanding drum, glue or double sided tape the overlapping edges. Then fit in your Dremel tool.
This one handed spring auto tensioner might be of use to people who get hand cramps, or have other issues.
Full cylinder holder from door parts. Quick change using the side screw that retains the cylinder.
Lever lock picks made from old stainless steel dish drying rack, cut with pliers and bent to shape.
Chopped door parts to hold cylinders by the bible neatly in a vice.
Left hand pickers tension wrench for comfort.
Home made pin tweezers by bending the tip around a nail in a vice to form the curves to grab the round pins better.
Home made pinning shoe made from electrical parts and a tension wrench. Adjustable across all four corners to fit any cylinder.
A flexible plug follower from half inch PVC/foil heating water pipe that apadts to the slightly different sizes of plug found across different cylinders.
An arty shot of the flexible plug follower from pvc pipe!
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